Plumb Loco is a 7 piece band, comprising of freelance professional musicians from the Leics/Notts/Derbys areas with an odd one from Crewe. Each member of the band has over 55 years performing experience except for guitarist Richard Smith, who is not even 50 yet – but as he’s regarded as one of the best players in the UK, we forgive his youthfulness. We play music that varies twixt jazz and rock ‘n’ roll and if you don’t blink, you might catch a bit of country in there. Although the musicians work separately, the band gets together for weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs, circumcisions, and gigs such as this one. Most members have appeared at the club several times in almost as many bands, but the band is making its third appearance here.
Members (providing nobody gets the plague before they appear):
Stuart Battle (v), Roger Keay (t/s). Richard Smith (g), Ian Wheatley (g), Steve Peters (p), Al Harris (b), Keith Chaplin (d)